Implementing Code using .NET Client Library

In order to use the client library first we need to use the import statement as shown.

VB.Net :

                                    Imports unitepdf

C# :

                                    using unitepdf;

Basic usage for conversion :


Implement the code for VB.Net DOC to PDF conversion.

More Samples
                                    'Initialize the client library
                                    Dim client As New unitepdfapi
'Insert API key client.APIKey = "your-api-key"
'Provide filepath for file conversion. client.Doc2Pdf("path/to/file/inputfile.doc", "path/to/file/outputfile.pdf")


Implement the code for C# DOC to PDF conversion.

More Samples
                                    //Initialize the client library
                                    unitepdfapi client = new unitepdfapi();
//Insert API key client.APIKey = "your-api-key";
//Provide filepath for file conversion. client.Doc2Pdf("path/to/file/inputfile.doc", "path/to/file/outputfile.pdf");