Merge Pdf

How to merge pdf files online ?

Step 1 : Click "Choose File" button (Or) Drag and drop files in the drop area to upload the files.

Step 2 : Only 10 pdf files can be uploaded. If you would like to add more then remove the existing pdf by clicking the delete "-" button and add another pdf without reloading the application.

If there are more than 10 pdf's the last pdf is deleted automatically and the remaining 10 pdf's are added.

Step 3 : Please wait until first pages of pdf's are shown.

Step 4 : Drag and drop the pdf's to re-arrange them in the order as per your need.

Step 5 : Click "Merge Pdf" to join all the pdf documents.

Step 6 : Click "Download File" to download your final pdf where all the pdf's are combined as single pdf document.

*Note :
1. Password protected documents cannot be joined.
2. Max File Size is 20 MB.

Upload File

Drag and drop file(s) here

Drag, drop and re-arrange pdf's